
In the middle of the night last night I remembered my plan to double manure bed 3. This morning I pulled up the chard and dug in the leaves, manure and coffee a bit. Then I added another layer of leaves and manure. Hop to it, worms.

Mum weeded Plum Corner for me, getting rid of all the grass. There are a few little perennials, but lots of space. The bed is deep back to front so I don’t want to put a verbena in there as the back would get just fill with weeds.

She moved a number of calendula from the big flower beds into the front bed, along with some malope and rudbeckia and a clary and salvia. There are lots of calendula still to go, so more will be going into the front and right – and probably Plum Corner.

Edging the veg bed turned out to be a bit tiresome. The soil was wetter than before, so I was making my wood filthy and throwing a fair amount of mud into the weed bucket along with all the grass. I ran out of cut wood, so I need to cut more and then calculate how many more rolls I need.

I only have one more bag each of compost and manure, so I need to try and calculate how many more to get.