
My new salvia has gone in near the elder. There’s still some clearing to do here, but I should be able to work around the plant ok. Hopefully it doesn’t mind competing with the tree when it wakes up.

I did a rough dig of Bed 10 and a full dig of Bed 5, into which I sowed a row of Red Vulcan chard.

Neither bed had any weeds to speak of so digging was pretty easy.

I sowed a tray of calendula at home. I’m seeing lots of the ones at the allotment now giving up and I’m also conscious of needing to fill space if things like my delphiniums get eaten before they can get established.

I did a second dig of Bed 10 and sowed two half rows of beetroot and carrot. Then over in the smaller bed, I sowed a row of Bright Lights radish. There’s room for another row of something in this bed later.

I did a bunch more couch grass weeding down the left hand side, cutting the verbena down as I went. It’s starting to come to life now, but I’m not sure it’ll be huge. I’ve cut down the veronica too and it’s looking ok. There’s still a bit of a physostegia remaining, but no sign of the one that died.

There’s another dead foxglove on the left, but I found a really healthy one over by the trellis. Shows that the poorly ones really are hopeless. Might be time to get myself a few replacement tall perennials.