
In the morning I spent some vouchers at Wyevale on compost and some Roundup. I’ve had enough of the battle with docks and the big clumps of grass and nettles that grow right on the boundary. This stuff gets sprayed on the leaves and then kills the roots and decomposes quickly in the soil, remains safe for further cultivation.

After lunch I installed the new bolt on my gate and remove the other furniture (including the bent wire hook) that’s been in place since Bob made me the gate in November 2015. The bolt’s a little short, but it works and – after a suitable amount of battling – is done.

I sprayed some Roundup on a lot of docks and some nettles on the fence lines. I expect to see some dead patches of grass from the overspray, but with any luck I’ve saved the geum by snipping off the one leaf that got spritzed. It was all quite a workout as the full bottle was 1.2kg.

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