
The pruning workshop was going on in the orchard when I arrived at the plot, where instead of pruning anything, I just started snapping bits off the plum tree to get an idea of how easy it will be to remove.

I made a start on digging up grass and weeds from the front bed, getting along to the second diagonal post, as well as occasionally walking ahead and digging up random big weeds for a change of scene. There are various clumps of lemon balm that have been left and any displaced allium bulbs were gathered up and replanted nearer the fence. There wasn’t much mares’ tail, but I got rid of a lot of couch grass runners.

A blue tit had been yelling at me much of the time, but there was no sign of the robin. I hope the birds found the newly dug soil not long after I left.

I found an owl pellet near the elder, which makes me wonder if the mouse who had a nest in the corner bed is no longer with us. The world is certainly down at least one small creature.

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