
As preparation for future renovations I’ve put weedkiller on a variety of particularly annoying docks and dandelions in the grass. I’ve also done the nettles that were starting to grow back by the compost bin.

When I started the deadheading, it wasn’t long before the robin came to see me, checking out where I’d pulled out the uchiki kuri plants. I’ve cleared up those vines and some more pumpkin vines.

I’ve cleared up a good bit from the front bed, including the huge nettle that was taking over. I’ve started to reduce the big grass heap that I had to make outside my fence from the car park by integrating it into my weed buckets. We’ll no doubt be back at the tip before too long.

I carried on doing lots of tidying after lunch, cutting down, pulling down and chopping up. This also included an interlude of web work in the shed with my hoodie over my head and laptop. Speaking to H while clearing up by the apple tree, I was serenaded with: “Don’t sit under the apple tree / With anyone else but me / Or I’ll kill you”.

This bed still looks rubbish, but I’m still working on chopping down and pulling up. Lots of bramble, toadflax and everlasting pea has gone.