
Hottest day of the year so far – again. So it was another day where I went down to the plot after dinner and didn’t come home until my headlights were needed. A few plants looked a bit sad – the new marigolds have been struggling as well as the odd coleus. I watered pretty much everything (the water from the butts was more than warm) and left out my buckets, plus the watering can with the big funnel in place too!

The nasturtium bed looks a bit ragged on the right from afar, but up close you can see new growth coming. I think I’ll trim back the ratty stuff to give this a good chance.

All the flowers are still doing well and I have a good number of zinnias out at the moment.

I’m still not into the habit of taking down a basket with me though, but only had a little harvest. The tomato plants are pretty laden and need a bit more support here and there. The plants seem a bit sprawly and low-slung, but there’s not much to be done about getting low horizontal branches going anywhere else. The runner beans at the front are nothing like as good as at the back, but maybe they’ll pick up a bit.