
There wasn’t much weeding to on the left border, just some bits of grass to pull up. It’s all now mulched and I’ve cast poppy seeds and cornflower up towards the top around the emptier parts.  I’m rather looking forward to raising loads of morning glory plants for all the border fences next year.

After lunch I did more mulching, finishing the front and doing all down the right-hand side. I also filled in one of the big rodent holes by the trellis, with the hope that the everlasting pea hoops will stay standing.

I now have 3 bags of compost left, so I’ll edge and weed all the beds before we come to divvy up the final compost. It was good and dark when I packed up – moon high in the sky on one side, sunset fading away on the other. The robin was singing loudly when I went through the gate.