
Lots of potting on this morning – zinnias, pumpkins, JBL and the non-great tomatoes. This year’s tomatoes are bigger than last year’s runts at this point. Maybe they’ll make it after the shock I gave them? Everything had a feed with seaweed to buoy them up.

The cucumbers are doing very well, with two smaller ones being kept as backups. I might just get some cucumbers this year, assuming the slugs don’t get the plants as soon as they’re planted out.

I’ve got lots of beans, sweetcorn, leeks and nasturtiums in the grow house, growing slowly in cooler conditions. So far, this plan has been working. I’ve just brought them in on chilly nights, but at 8ºC or so, they stay outside.

There’s still not much I can do at the allotment with it being so wet underfoot. The wet ground was good for one thing though: getting dandelions and buttercups out of the lawn. I need to get my own dandelion fork.

The apple tree is waking up and I’ve weeded underneath it. I need to get some more wood chip, as it’s decayed enough that a lot has disappeared, revealing the plastic.

I’ve cleaned up one of the pots by the shed and put a little foxglove and a few poppies in it. The other pot seems a similar tidy up. The end of the bed to the left had become completely overgrown, so I weeded it as best I could, turning it over to make a greater surface area to dry off. A zinnia could go here, next to the veronica.