
After work I went down to the plot and took water to dampen beds 1 and 7. We’ve not had any rain for 5 weeks and the clay has now gone from dry to concrete 🙁 I planted the last 3 lobelias in the centre bed and all 6 white verbenas have been shared among 1 and 7 too.

There are various flowery weeds all over the two beds, so I’m trying to find a balance between using them to fill a space with a little flower and something harmless and plucking them out to leave room for the proper plants to spread.

The zinnias in their own bed are now starting to show signs of being flowers. Two colours are visible. Same goes for the angelonia; they’re just starting to give a hint as to their colours.

The quinoa looks pretty good, nice robust plants. The ones dotted around the flower beds aren’t as big, but are still up and doing.