
After a very rainy and windy Saturday, there was 6 litres of water in my bucket. The sunflower was leaning a bit, some cosmos branches had been broken and a couple of the marigolds were somewhat beaten up. There were a few apples on ground, but that’s not really news at the minute.

I dismantled the borlotto bean wigwam and snipped off the last pods. They have big beans inside the damp pods, so they’re worth trying to dry out at home.

I’ve also dismantled the cucumber wigwam, so there’s just the uchiki kuri netting left to go. In an effort to keep on with the tidying, lots of docks have been dug out of beds, the straw has been raked up from Bed 1 and the borage has all been pulled up and chopped up too. I figure that the bees still have plenty of marigolds to visit.

I took home a lunchtime harvest, including the fallen flowers and felled sunflower head. The pear was a windfall, which has been half eaten underneath. None of the others seem ready to come off yet – nor are they anything like this size.

After lunch I edged and weeded the half of the bed that hadn’t been done yet. So this bed is just some flowers for now.