
Look how beautifully camouflaged this shield bug is on the physostegia. I wonder if it knows about the obedient trick that the flowers can do?

I went down to the plot to water (haven’t had any more rain!) and make a start on the deadheading before tomorrow’s work. I did it all except the inner ring of bed 1. On my way around the plot I found a couple of little rudbeckia. I’ve managed to grow some at last! The zinnias are going very well and the dahlias are growing well too. Even the one that was eaten by slugs in bed 7 has started regrowing.

I saw a bat flying around in the plot beyond mine (where’s there also a pumpkin growing for me to look at). I went home at 9.20pm and it was pretty dark – the nights are drawing in! A few weeks ago I saw a solar lamp on sale at Wyevale, but didn’t get it because I couldn’t imagine using it – but didn’t think about inside the shed, which would have save me using my phone light.