
The evening after I went down on the 1st, the stream came running through the garden again, so I didn’t worry about going down to the allotment yesterday as it was sure to be too wet. I met C at the allotment tonight, he told me he’d been in his plot yesterday, baling water out of his raised beds. My grass was just a little squelchy here and there, nothing more.

The blight hadn’t progressed too much more, so I pulled up the cherry tomatoes to get them out of the way. The bed doesn’t look bad without them. The courgettes, nasturtium and marigolds are already filling the holes pretty well. I picked off a bad Ferline, and did another bucket of foliage removal from them and the Roma, but nothing more drastic.

The tomatoes may be on their way out, but the nasturtiums and the marigolds in particular are doing really well. The flowers on the marigolds are lasting so long that I’ve only deadheaded a couple of blooms so far.

This beautiful pumpkin is doing really well too. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand it up, so I’m not sure how green it still is underneath.