
The first cosmos peppermint rock have gone into the second veg bed. One’s about to flower, so as soon as that’s open, it’ll get picked / pinched.

Some zinnia whirligigs are now in the back bed and middle bed. Still trying to break up the symmetry a bit.

Before lunch, I dug over Bed 2 and it was surprisingly easy to break up, so I got it completely finished.

After lunch I planted the French beans. The purple and yellow are alternating, starting with purple from the far end. I’ve now got 5 plants left over that I don’t know what to do with.

The two Red Alert tomatoes have gone in the back bed, as I’d already planted up where one was meant to go, I thought I’d better get them in before I ran out of room. They’re now surrounded with marigolds, but I still have some flowers left.

I’ve thinned out most of the veg and I’ve stuck some of the bigger beetroot into a pot of compost, just to see if they might take.