
In the morning I gave all my home plants and seedlings a good drench with my new seaweed tonic and let some things sit in proper sunlight for a while, rather than in the grow house. Let’s see if that gives anything a boost. I pinched out a few things too, but mostly it’s all still a bit small for that.

At the plot lots of seedlings have started coming up in the patches I sowed in Bed 1. I’m not sure I’ve got the best record of what I threw down there. Goes with the lack of plan too, I suppose. Some of them are pretty big and may well be self-sown borage.

Lots of poppy seedlings have appeared where I poured the seed on the ledge. Hmm, evidently the seed had a better germination rate than I expected.

I gave the delphinium bed its second dig and marked it up ready for the plants. I edged the middle bed and gave it its first dig too. Edging some of these beds is hard work in places, as the grass has grown over the wood and has to be scraped up first.

I found three little anaemic nasturtiums under the plastic of the middle bed, so I’ve stuck them in a pot, still attached to their seeds, to see if they do anything in daylight.

Plum Corner’s renovation is now complete, as I’ve added a salvia to the front right corner. Now for everything to just grow and bulk up.