
The autumn tidying continues. I thought I’d gather up some sunflower seeds and found that something had been busy feasting on some of the seed heads since I last looked. Some of the biggest flowers were mostly eaten and lots of seeds lay discarded on the soil below. I’ve cut most of the rest and taken them home for whatever purpose.

I’ve pulled up all the little beetroot that were growing in front of the runner beans. A few of the biggest might cook ok. The rest are on the compost. The carrots are still doing fine.

Mum and I cut down 99.9% of the beans. Just one tiny plant with a few small beans remains as it magically didn’t get cut when I sliced all the stems at the bottom. There are enough holes in this netting now that it will be heading for the compost heap.

I still need to dig over the square bed, but I’ve pulled up the dahlia. I don’t have anywhere for it in particular, so I’ve cut it up for the compost too. The heap is doing well!

I did a bit more vine tidying, cutting off what I could. I’ve harvested more gourds and even found another one trying to grow. I’ve left it alone for the moment, but there’s no way it’s going to get anywhere.

I’ve cut down the sweetcorn even further. There’s just one reasonable size cob I’m letting mature. I harvested a couple of tiny amber ones and everything else went to compost.

The soil was good to work with as we’d had some rain (a couple of full buckets were emptied and they’re all now in the shed for the winter) and so I was able to dig up some big clumps of daisies from the ledge.