
We’ve now composted Bed 2 and covered it. First bed done. We used new peat-free compost from Westland for the first time. It’s quite fibrous, but good stuff, with no sticks and stones. It’ll be interesting to see what it’s like in the spring. The manure dried into lumps that had to be broken down, so hopefully this won’t do that.

Bed 5 is almost empty now. The big cosmos and the sunflowers have gone, but a couple of zinnias are still going.

I had a lot of deadheading to do, having left it for a couple of weeks. I’m not sure if everything will now come up with a new round of flowers, or decide to call it a day as a result.

Just a little harvest, plus some not yet ripe Ferlines where the branch seems to have already died. Except cutting those was an afterthought when finishing up and as a result, I walked off without them. I’ll find out at the weekend whether they’re still on the grass.