
Construction day! John and I went to Wickes in the rain and picked up a new gate and few lengths of wood, plus some big-ass screws. While I uncovered the beds that needed netting (and relocated the toad once more!), John installed a diagonal support to the right hand fence post, which was leaning and not helping the hang of the gate. That bit of wood came from my stash behind the shed.

The gate was then hung beautifully and my old catch installed (and the knackered bungee cord discarded). The gate stays shut unlatched and swings open above the grass. Imagine!

Netting has now been set up for the bitter melons, runner beans and Jack be littles and gourds. The runner bean netting is set back in the bed so I can put some carrots and beetroot in front.

The tomatoes have definitely become more sturdy than they were when they were in the pots. There are a number of flowers on them now too.

The nigellas all around are giving some grand colour along with the geums. Happily, some pink ones are still to be found in among the different shades of blue.

It’s rained an amount today and more will fall over night. Perfect for giving my plants a boost and for making the ground good for planting out tomorrow. The gourds and bitter melons are pretty big at home, so I’ll have to be careful when transporting and planting them.