
ShedMore pottering about today and planting more seedlings that have been growing at home. It seems to always take so long to plant things out, with all the wandering around and trying to decide where to put things, then digging holes in what is sometimes concrete-like clay.

I finished sifting the compost in the barrel – the end of an era! It’s now in a pile and the blue barrel is done with and can be thrown out.

Having had very little luck with the first row of veg I sowed, I put a line of compost down for the second row instead. That way the seeds weren’t falling into crevices between lumps of clay. That first line was exhausting to sow and this way was much easier.

It was a gorgeous sunny weekend and my farmer’s tan has begun. Before leaving the plot I was sure to put the buckets out ready for Monday night’s forecast rain.

Braeburn blossom

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