
Good Friday sowing in beautiful sunshine!

I split the cerinthe pairs into individual cells. With any luck, they’ll get over it and stop flopping about. I also resowed missing or failed cosmos dwarf sensation, malope, dahlias and zinnia Oklahoma. The tray of zinnias and and dahlias is doing pretty well.

I sowed:

12 x zinnia whirligig
8 x morning glory
12 x calendula
4 x penstemon
8 x clary
3 x sunflowers
4 x aquilegia McKana – sprinkling seed on the surface

2 hardy trays to leave outside. One with all cornflowers, one with cerinthe, Californian poppy and gaillardia 

The lettuce in the trough has germinated and I’ve sown another pot. The Ferline tomatoes are up indoors too. They came up overnight and had to be greened up by the lights.

Everything was watered really well and had a lovely day in the sun, wafting gently in the breeze and perhaps getting the idea that being leggy was a silly thing to do.