
Another trip to the plot to load up a few sacks of rubbish for the brown bin revealed this very waterlogged scene. Ah, so I was right to assume that the ground would be too wet for me to sensibly do any work down there. So at least I now know where the water collects!

And I really need to be using this rainy time to be finalising my planting plan. But I appear to be watching TV instead. My potatoes have arrived and are sitting quietly in their cardboard box, waiting for me to be clever with them. They’re earlies, so yes, I will need to be ready to make decisions when the ground is drier and warmer.

Thanks to the inclement weather we’ve been having, other people’s windbreak fabric is even more all over the place than usual, which only strengthens my resolve to cover my fences with as many flowers and climbers as I can so as to block the view of that unsightly green fabric. While I understand the point of it, I can’t stand the sight of the stuff. I’ve got lots of nasturtium and sweet pea seeds lined up, but I’m going to need to get some more  sorted too as I have a lot of fence to cover. I don’t want to put climbers up Mr B’s brand new bit of fence though, so I’ll find another solution for that stretch. Even if it’s just a free-standing trellis just inside my boundary.


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