
I tidied up the shed a little – and knocked down a cobweb that a spider had made from one shelf unit to the other. I can’t wait to do a proper clean and vacuum in there. Outside, I turned over the veg bed again and it’s stopped making the waterlogged noise now, but it still just CLAY. I dug in the old bag of top soil. It’s quite sandy stuff, so I hope it might make a little difference. Now it needs to dry out a little more and maybe I’ll finally be able to get the beetroot sown.

I cleared space at end of ledge and planted the Red Pearl sweet pea as close as I could, to the fence, but had to give it a bit of a lean. I’ve tried to guide it to the fence with some twine. I planted the White Pearl sweet pea near the shed, between the verbena and campanula. I hope it’s the right place, but I can always move the verbena if it decides to be tall this year. I think I need to get at least a couple more sweet peas for the other fences to give me some perennial cover.

The speedwell is coming to life and has spread well in two patches on the ledge. Just two days before I sold a photo of a little speedwell plant, so that was good timing.