Storm Eunice blew through yesterday, wreaking a lot of havoc across the country. I went down to the plot this morning to check on my piece of land. There was an amount of rubbish strewn down the path and as I turned the corner to my plot, I was faced with a huge dark rectangle. I quickly established that it was not my roof – and that there was an entire potting shed attached to it. Mr R’s shed has been a bit damaged too, and Mr T’s greenhouse is missing its door.
In my plot, the biggest damage incurred was one panel of trellis having blown down and broken. Although most of it is actually still intact, so I’ve put it away safely. The corner that was still attached had been wired to the fence, so I’ve done that to the other bits of trellis that were a bit loose. The easiest thing might be to simply lash the panel to the fence again and weave the broken bit back in.
I re-covered Bed 9 and picked up all the loose sticks that had fallen. Someone else will have to poke the nest box straight for me.
Meanwhile, aside from the all the drama, the first Sweet Williams have opened in the pot by the shed.