
It’s not rain or snowed for a few moments, so at last a chance to do some shrub moving while the sun was shining and the wind wasn’t blowing a gale. The campanula was the most urgent case, having ended up behind a big verbena. So that is now down by the shed for me to determine at some point if it’s even still alive. The verbena was then moved back against the fence and two others had the same treatment, including one self-sown one.

Other self-sown verbenas have been dug up, as have various patches of grass and weeds that made nice big holes in the carpet of mess in the flower beds. Most of the front bed needs digging up as there’s not much there that is meant to be. Along the right hand side there’s a lot of weeding to be done, but a few more plants to be careful not to disturb.

The grape hyacinths are coming up, as are anemones. But in contrast to that new life, the plum tree has suddenly died. The bark has peeled off all the way around the trunk and on one of the main branches, revealing some very dry wood underneath. So that’s a dismantling job to add to the list. Once it’s gone, it will at least be far easier to weed that triangular bed, not having to crouch under the branches.

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