Happily the runner beans survived the night with just plastic collars around them.
I brought the plum tomatoes from home and planted them out too. These are the ones that need extra care, with staking and sideshooting. The ordinary tomatoes that are coming along behind them are smart enough not to need that.
More plugs and plants from the nursery were put in. This job just takes sooo long! I guess all the bindweed and mares tail that you have to remove before you can dig a hole is one significant decelerator in the process.
I did more grass trimming too. One day the grass and evening the ground here and there will be a project of its own; I can’t do the whole patch by hand for ever, that’s nonsense. But the grass just isn’t the priority at the moment.
There was a bit of rain and I hid in the shed for a bit – nice to have that as an option! Later I decided to bite the bullet and dig down to find whether the potatoes were ever going to put in an appearance. After a bit of digging around I found a stinky, rotten potato. So no spuds for me. Back home a look at my photos showed that indeed I’d put them in the ground and then 3 days later the ground was flooded.