
I’ve made a concerted start on weeding the front bed. I’ve doctored calendulas and put collars around the ones I’ve saved, so that they are more obvious. I’ve managed to get a good lot of weeds and grass out but there’s still a bit more weeding to do – and then mulching. I also disturbed numerous little onion-like allium bulbs. They’re the little white alliums, not the big purple ones.

Sitting on the bed edging, I also finally broke it, as one of the legs has rotted through. I have some spare, but would rather get a new leg on it than put a bright yellow panel in among the grey weathered ones.

In the afternoon Suzy and I took down the remaining two everlasting peas, not least because the trellis is probably a bit fragile, so I didn’t want just pull the plant through the holes. We’ve also trimmed back Mr B’s bramble too, as one very thick branch had grown up on my side. All the old fruit has been cut off too.

In the bed, I’ve made a good start on clearing, pulling out the verbenas in the wrong place, digging up nettles etc. Autumnal nasturtiums are having to take their chance while I do this.

I noticed a number of marigolds had been beheaded yesterday and piles of seed were on the ground here and there, which was unexpected as usually the seed cases dry on the plant and can be picked off. Today, the story became a little clearer when I discovered a piles of petals and seed at the border, dumped and carried through to what is clearly an animal run. Hopefully it’s not a rat and it’s just the field vole, though the smell of marigolds might not be attractive to them.