After some overnight rain, the ground stayed nicely diggable and Suzy and I turned over the front bed, added the last two bags of manure and dug them in. The bed seems to have kept the benefit of last year’s rotovation and didn’t have too much in the way of docks and mare’s tail. When I uncovered the bed first off, I saw a mouse run off and over the wooden edging. Its nest has now been incorporated with the manure. Sorry, buddy.
After lunch I sowed all the chrysanthemum seed in the allotted bed and then dug over the back bed and the small zinnia bed. All the verbena has now been cut up and distributed between the two compost bins too.
More is coming to life and the dead-looking hyssops are among those with new life coming up at last. However the mare’s tail has also woken up and it’s like the old days with it just asking to be snapped off here and there. There are also some bits of bindweed that need to be unwound from around plants on the ledge.