
We’ve been having gusts from the edge of Storm Evert and this was how my runner beans greeted me when I got to the plot to check the tomatoes. They were waving happily up and down and I picked the beans while I waited for help to arrive. In the end, help came from JG up the path, who brought a couple of big poles and some nylon twine to make some heft guy ropes.  Soon enough the beans were back upright and the only injuries were a couple of the canes, which had snapped but were still holding together.

The sweetcorn suddenly has cobs on it, and I’ve finally found the first broccoli head developing among all the huge leaves.

There are lots of flowers coming on the French beans now, and the final seedling has also appeared. So there will be beans, just not quite yet.

I’ve pulled up the poppies in the veg bed. There weren’t many flowers left and they were getting in the way of the development of the second set.