
The angelonia have arrived and I’ve put 3 in the left hand bed so far, finding a few spaces for them after a little weeding. In the process I found a perennial of some sort just beginning to come to life from a mound near plum corner.

I’ve put the final purple bell vine in the front bed. Nasturtiums around the border are doing pretty well and one under the elder already has a flower on it. The last two nasturtiums from him have now been put in around the obelisk as only 2 of the sown seeds have come up so far. There are quite a number of seedlings coming up now, looking hopeful. The large-leafed plants are still doing well and look less like plantains now.

I mixed up some general fertiliser for all the tomatoes and put some on the dahlias too. Some of the tomatoes are just starting to get flowers. In the back bed all the runner beans are now up. Even the one that had been mangled by slugs looks like it might have a bud of new life. I must look more closely.

I must resow the chard. I think one or two seedlings have come up, but there are so many weeds in the way, they’re not doing much.