
The first sweet pea flowers are open – the white one on the right. I’ve also managed to get the rescued antirrhinum to flower, which is quite a triumph.

Most of the work was weeding along the right hand side, getting rid of the weeds to make room for angelonias. Some areas had other seedlings, so I had to do more finger-picking than digging. I put a few angelonia in on the right and in the front too. I still have lots left.

As well as the recovering runner bean, it looks like the Velvet Curtains are trying to recover too.

The cosmos is also still trying to survive in the zinnia bed. I’ve now put a couple of dahlias in there too till fill up the bed a bit. It looks quite good so far.

The few asters that managed to grow have now been put in with the dahlias.

Even taking into account this year’s apparent 2-week delay, the verbenas are very small. I plan to give all the bigger plants some general fertiliser soon to encourage them.

I weeded the chard and bean bed – that lovely soft soil. Some seedlings have come up, mostly yellow, maybe one red. I’ve resown the gaps and less thinly than before to try and get a better chance of germination.

I did a little renovation of plum corner, to put in some angelonia as well as the remaining clary and a few of the floppy blanket flower plants.