
I dismantled the two runner beans wigwams and cut up the plants for the compost. Mum then dug the two small beds into one, as the little divide between them had pretty much just consisted of thistles. The path left between them had only housed thistles.

The two Turks Turban vines have died, so I cut those gourds. Then inspection of the pumpkins ultimately led to them all being cut too and the vines were all cut up and composted. The docks and weeds that had been able to grow so close to the plants over the summer will get their comeuppance soon.

I picked one Braeburn to see if they’re ok to eat now. It certainly came off the tree nicely. I took a few more beetroot too and there’s still a silly little curled up cucumber not doing much.

The shed got tidied up a bit and we determined that some black plastic we held on to from a large package will cover the Festival bed folded in two.

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